Wednesday 7 July 2010

Welcome to the Punch and Judy show!

Finally remembered who he reminded me of and looking at what he and 'Judy' are proposing to do to our constitution only seems to confirm that baby battering is alive and well!

Just like the Punch and Judy of the seaside stall there is no sign of remorse in either of them!

I had been hoping for a 'good' result from this new government, and the early signs did 'look' good, but as time goes on just like in a Punch and Judy show the violence keeps getting worse as the principal actors begin to feel invincible!

Todays Telegraph has a story on the torture victims case in which 'Punch' has declared that it will take too much effort to establish the truth, so therefor they are no longer going to be bothered examining relevant evidence! Unbelievable? no just par for the course when it comes to government.

How is it the British  people elect seemingly decent people and they once in power turn immediately into clowns from some circus of horror!

Pinnochio Blair, Bunter Brown and now Punch and Judy!!
Who is next Desperate Dan Milliband?
Buster Gonad and his Balls?

For crying out loud this is the government of Britain not a comic strip!!!

Life imitating Art!
only in Britain!


joe said...

For crying out loud this is the government of Britain not a comic strip!!!

Indy,i'm afraid it is, a comic strip.

Indyanhat said...

Pity no one is laughing eh Fraser!I