Tuesday, 15 June 2010

...And so it shall come to pass...

For my few regular readers who might think I have lost it over the BP spill stuff and talking about end of the world scenarios, there are more and more sources of this info coming to light every day...

UKNEWSNETWORK left this link for us today and it makes interesting reading ...some of the needed science is given in the links please read it and understand the magnitude of the times... Read this

Personally I think that eventually the PTB will elect to nuke it, if it hasn't collapsed before then on its own, and when they do they will set off the BIGGEST firework ever seen on the planet since the meteor that hit the Gulf all those eons ago.

Little will be left for the survivors to cling to for life...I believe what they are doing at present is prepping the bunkers for the rich and breeding stock. When they announce the nuking they will all be (they think) safely down their bunkers and prepared to wait it out for a few years. I do not believe there will be anything worth coming out to for humans and our present day livestock/seeds to survive in and with no matter how long they wait...

The planet of course will still be here, and new life I am sure will begin again and in a suitably long time from now there may be something approaching large animal life again but the near future is shot...

It truely is put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye time...however, I would like to offer you all some advice, stop doing what you usually do, do not go to work...spend time with your familiesthose you love and care about...enjoy the sunshine/rain whatever you have got...tell everyone to do the same and why...bring the rich controlling bastards that have brought us to this through their greed to their knees now , by just being the free and peaceful people we all want to be...

Laugh and sing, dance and make merry for the end of the world IS nigh...and it will sneak up on you on the silent wings of the air that you breath...sleep well and in peace but spend your last days in the freedom that IS/WAS your birthright that they have conned and stolen from you...


AdamS said...

I don't think you've lost it at all, you're dead right. (Although I have my doubts about the 'accidental' nature of the spill, these people are just nuts enough to do it on purpose)

Oil kills everything in the sea. But will there then be oil rains that kill all the crops?

The Big Boys are running to Svalbard anyway, they don't need to worry about little things like famine.

Indyanhat said...

Too true Adam,the thought has definitely crossed my mind that this is not an accident at all and the resulting damage was well understood before they started...
My doubts are compounded by the sheer volume of the neurotoxins that they have used as dispersants, where did all that come from at such short notice, too pat I'm afraid too convenient...

Barking Spider said...

Well.... the "climate change" angle is totally fucked so this is now obviously their Plan B!

Indyanhat said...

Spidey it seems we bloggers have bigger fish to fry than our own pathetic politicians for a change, lets face it there's little they can do now they have given the power to the EU, Parliamentary Sovereignty!!!my arse...