Friday, 30 April 2010

In some ways we are all ginger's..

First they came for..
Then they came for..
Then it was my turn..
Who will speak for the people..
when the state comes for them...

Warning this is NOT a pretty picture, it has been banned from Youtube apparently, I wonder why?


Yes its a mock up but do you really believe its that far away?
Wait until the economic meltdown makes us, the people, expendable...
Wait until the riots start when food is unavailable...
Wait until there is no hope of stopping the authoritarian state...
It won't be 'our' soldiers doing it to us ...
it will be those from another nation, culling...those they do not care about!

Remember also it will be the bloggers they come for first, those that do not tow the line , those that object, those that, as the song says, have something to say...

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