Friday, 30 April 2010

Thank you Opinionated and vocal e.mail sent...

I have just sent the following e.mail to the electoral services at Bristol East after reading a posting by Opinionated and Vocal urging all to do just that. Any interferance in the due process of the system should see the required sanctions of the law imposed forthwith.
If you want to see the original post go
Opinionated and Vocal

My e.mail

Dear Sir
I was disgusted to find out that Kerry Mc Carthy the Labour candidate has released polled postal votes in contravention of the Electoral Law laid out in legislation. It appears that she has deliberately released this information in an attempt to influence the forthcoming election As the prospective Parliamentary candidate and a solicitor she ventured into this act quite deliberately and in a manner which literally thousands of people (if not hundreds of thousands ) have witnessed.
It is my opinion she should be removed from contesting this ward and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Saying sorry is not enough, this woman has deliberately attacked the very basis of our belief that the voting process is a secret one in which no one in a priviledged position will disseminate any information which comes into their possesion.

I rely upon you to see that the letter of the law is followed in this very serious matter sir, I hope you will not dissapoint me and the rest of the voters of this country who rely upon your integrity to oversee the proper running of the election in your ward.

Yours Sincerely

Feel free to use this as a template if you wish but be sure to put your name in the body of the e.mail or it may just be ignored, it would help also if you changed the wording to make it appear your own work. Please be polite !!!!

He has also posted this little gem that I have stolen for your delectation

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