Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Remember, remember the 5th of November

I want to tell you all about a little thing that is happening on the 5th of November,

A gentleman, named Mr Hurst, is going to an administrative hearing re Council Tax in a place called Llandridnod Wells which is in mid Wales. Nothing special in that eh!, well in the usual run of things you'd be right, these sort of hearings go on every day don't they...but I see this one as being subtly and potentially explosively different.

You see Mr Hurst isn't your usual run of the mill Council Tax protester/evader John is an upstanding (and I mean UPSTANDING) member of the community, he is an ex policeman for a start, he is also a man who believes in the Rule of Law and that's just what he is seeking here on the 5th.

John is in Lawful Rebellion against the system as it stands and has ancient rights on his side, to my way of looking at this if he were to be told OK you do not have to pay, then the floodgates would be opened wide and the scene set for the entire country to refuse to pay on exactly the same grounds. 

If on the other hand he were to be told he had to pay, then he would/will appeal his case to the highest courts in the land and abroad if need be and take anyone who stands in his way down as collateral damage, you see Johns case is based on TREASON, not his you understand, because he is a VERY upstanding man.

John would like it if interested parties could come to the court on the day and see just how justice is or isn't done, let the people sitting in judgement inside their chamber know that the people are very, VERY interested in how they handle the whole issue of the RULE OF LAW, and that they are watching the judgement givers with a jaundiced eye to say the least.

So if you or any of your friends and acquaintances are interested then can I suggest that you turn up at the court in Llandridnod Wells at 10 o'clock on the 5th of November, if you can manage it get yourself a V for Vendetta face mask as well to signify the faceless masses that have put up with too much for too long ....I will be there, how about you!

More here Ian PJ


Anonymous said...

I wont manage [Scotland] but best wishes to the Freemen who go to the "Court"

All Seeing Eye said...

Can't be there, much too far away, but watching this with interest. He's fighting for all of us.

Barking Spider said...

Too far for me, too, Indy, but I'm rooting for him and I'll definitely be watching to see how he gets on with whipping the bastards!

Indyanhat said...

Will update you all on the day (well evening thereof) gentlemen. I know its a long way to travel for many of us but if the call has gone out who knows how many interested bystanders will turn up eh!

Caratacus said...

Yet another one who won't be able to make it... just a bit more notice and I would have.

I'll be following this v. closely. Thanks for keeping us up to speed Indy.

Indyanhat said...

No probs C will put what news I get up asap

Caratacus said...

Thinking of Mr. Hurst today - hopefully the silly fuckers have scampered off to have a rethink...