HEY FATUOUS ONE! look below your game has been unveiled and you can no longer hide behind your pretense that nothing is wrong in the world you are intent on FUCKING UP! There are good and conscientious people out here in the real world who will hold YOU and YOURS to account for the complete fucking balls up you are making of our lives! below is a letter from Albert Burgess which details all the salient points of why it is YOU and YOUR politician friends that are the real ENEMIES of the nations peace, you have a last chance to show that YOU the LORD CHANCELLOR respect the rule of law and can understand a simple arguement based on incontrovertible fact...DO YOUR DUTY AND PUT THIS RIGHT NOW, or be condemned forever as the traitor you will prove yourself to be...
Kenneth Clarke
Lord Chancellor
The House of Lords
My Lord
Each house of parliament has a common law cognisance to run its own business, in its own way; neither house can by Common Law interfere in the internal working of the other house.
This is the constitutional settlement placed upon parliament by our forefathers, and described in the Prerogatives of the King by Sir Mathew Hale 1713 Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. And F W Maitland Late Downing Professor of the Laws of England in the University of Cambridge. At the university press 1908.
Sir Edward Coke Chief Justice of the Kings Bench 1628 ruled that parliament may some times pass a law which is repugnant or impossible to perform in which case the common law will intercede and strike it down. Giving the Common Law the status of higher law than statute law.
There are a number of cases of the cognisance of the commons to conduct its own business its own way, but I have not been able to find one case which deals with either house interfering in the running of the other house. Yet this is exactly what the House of Commons has done to the House of Lords, they started this process in 1661 after the restoration of King Charles II when the Commons told the Lords they could not amend a money bill only accept it or reject it, the commons were claiming without any legal authority, complete autonomy in all things financial. This was the commons interfering with the cognisance of the upper house to do its job of scrutinising legislation. For some inexplicable reason the Lords accepted this state of affairs. This was the precursor to all the subsequent parliament acts.
In 1910 Asquith put forward a money bill and the upper house being erroneously of the opinion that they had no authority to amend this bill rejected it. In fact the upper house had the common law right to amend it and return the amended bill to the commons for approval.
As a result Asquith put forward the first parliament act which limited the authority of the upper house, Asquith told the upper house if they did not consent to this bill he would put 500 new Peers into the hose who would vote for its abolition, when this bill to restrict the upper house was submitted to King Edward VII he refused the assent on the grounds it was unconstitutional and removed a protection from his subjects. In fact it interfered with the cognisance of the upper house to perform its duties in the manor laid down by the constitutional and common laws of England, these laws are so good they have travelled to every common law jurisdiction in the world. Even Talleyrand our sworn enemy said when the English Constitution goes freedom goes.
King Edward VII fell ill and died, and on coming to the Throne King George V was told by a government minister he keeps all his prerogatives but may not use any of
them unless he has the backing of a government minister. This principle is unknown to our constitutional or common law. The assent was given to the 1911 Parliament Act which effectively weakened the authority of the upper house but with no constitutional or common law authority for the commons to even contemplate such a move. The mere fact they are the elected house does not authorise their actions. Because at no time have the public been put in the constitutional picture, which would allow them to make an informed decision. As to whether they wish to weaken the upper house in this or any other way. In fact Asquith toured the country slanting the true position so much as to be an outright lie.
The 1948 Parliament Act was yet another interference with the cognisance of the upper house to perform its constitutional duties, as our forefathers set it up. Once again this was done without the benefit of law, nor is there any justifiable legal principle which can be quoted to justify the unjustifiable.
The 1998 House of Lords Act by the same token interferes with the cognisance of the upper house to determine itself who does or does not sit in the upper house. This is a clear breach of the constitutional arrangements of parliament and is contrary to constitutional and common law.
Each of the above acts has subverted the constitutional arrangements of parliament; this is the major crime of Sedition at Common Law, and at this level of Sedition an act of High Treason.
The letters patent as granted to a Baron of the realm are such as to be a clear and lawful order from the King, to the recipient of the letter patent to undertake certain duties on the Kings behalf, it is clear that the King can not possibly know or understand every thing put before him, he should have a good general understanding of his Kingdom, his subjects, and world affairs. But there will always be occasions when his knowledge or understanding will fall short of allowing him without assistance from reaching the right decision. In order that he has a ready source of advisors who are good and capable men, he uses those peers of the realm that he or his ancestors have appointed to Baronetcies, and the letters patent represent a lawful order from the King to the holder of the Letters Patent to undertake this work. They instruct the holder of the Letters Patent that he must sit in the upper house of parliament and scrutinise legislation passing through the parliament to ensure it is in the best interests of the country and his subjects, it further gives a lawful order to the holder of the letters Patent that he is to act as an advisor to the King. In short the King requires those with the best available knowledge and experience to advise him as to the best course of action under any circumstances.
England is a Monarchy and we all owe a duty of loyalty and obedience to our lawfully anointed sovereign, the letters patent are by our laws to be obeyed. For any one who ever they may be, whatever position they hold within the Kingdom be they farm labour or Prime Minister to come between the King and the holder of the letters patent so as to prevent the holder from carrying out the lawful commands of the King is for that person to set himself above the King. That by our law is an act of High Treason contrary to the Common Law of England and the 1351 Treason Act.
I respectfully submit that is just what Anthony Blair did when he put through the 1998 House of Lords Act. He in effect set Her Majesty’s lawful order to those hereditary peers sat in the upper house at nought thereby imagining the death of Her Majesty as a Sovereign Queen. Contrary to Common Law and the 1351 Treason Act.
He also removed Her Majesty’s honour as a Sovereign Queen by assuming he had a greater authority in this Kingdom than Her Majesty. Contrary to Common Law and the 1848 Treason Felony Act.
I would like you to explain to me why I should comply with any law passed in Parliament since 1911 because since that day parliament has not been properly constructed according to the tripartite agreement set in place by our forefathers, and as such it has no mandate to pass any legislation.
I would further request that for every hereditary peer removed from the upper house, under the 1998 House of Lords Act. A warrant should be issued for the arrest of Anthony Linton Blair one time Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on a charge of High Treason for imagining the death of the Anointed Queen of England Queen Elizabeth II Contrary to Common Law and the 1351 Treason Act.
Respectfully submitted
Albert Burgess
PS Although Albert (bless his little socks) respectfully submits the above , believe me Kenneth there is precious little respect left for you and your ilk out here in the real world and absolutely none from theis blog, you and yours have ridden roughshod over our rights for too FUCKING LONG! get it right for once and give us (the people) that which has always been our right as sovereign peoples...you risk too much going on the way you have been...
Hat tip to Cap'n Ranty and Nominedeus
also blogged on by Ian PJ
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Is Sleazy Tony's shit finally hitting the fan?
The papers are plastered with his ugly Fucking mug again as he oozes slease over Muammar Gadhaffi, it always was obvious that he was there for a profit, lets face it he won't get out of bed (or into one for that matter) without there being something in it for himself.
What beggars my belief is that this 'reptile' hasn't been dumped into a jail cell long before now...
Not content with greasing his way to riches with the daddy it appears that he even helped the son to write his thesis enabling him to achieve a degree from the LSE, who also it appears benefitted from daddies largesse...
Everywhere he goes the stench of corruption follows behind him! Will he be arrested and charged for his crimes...somehow I doubt it and it makes me sick to think that he will get away with it all and run laughing all the way to the bank...shit , his ugly bitch of a sidekick is even a completely fucking useless judge...just shows that there really is NO justice left in the country when trash like them can pull the woolsack over everyones eyes so easily!
I presume by now all the judges have been dinner guests or met socially and none can now try him as they know him personally, perhaps it would just be best if he was found under a tree with a blunt penknife and a couple of asprin...c'mon MI5/6/CIA you know how it goes dontcha!
In other news this fucktard...
...is not only fucking Libya over with the glee of a sadistic eight year old pulling the legs off flies to watch them buzz in circles on the ground but is also intent on arming the police with whatever they need in the way of new powers so they can quell any signs of rebellion here at home (see I don't do political party favouritism). In a week that sees his mates the Banker Wankers walking off with million pound bonuses this piece of political excrement wants to shaft the people some more, and to hear he wants the sentencing in the courts to be televised so all good citizens can watch and go "TSK TSK" makes me want to puke!. Far better that all court cases are televised for the protection of the public from abuses of the powers he is so eager to invest in the ones he thinks will save his bacon smelling ass whilst he troughs down with his Banker Wanker chums in luxury!
Other news yet centres on some woman beating twat thats won a million on some tv show or other...do we care, no really I mean it ...do we care, the way I see it it is just an excuse to use up space in the Media so that more important (real) news can be either buried or forgotten...
What beggars my belief is that this 'reptile' hasn't been dumped into a jail cell long before now...
Not content with greasing his way to riches with the daddy it appears that he even helped the son to write his thesis enabling him to achieve a degree from the LSE, who also it appears benefitted from daddies largesse...
Everywhere he goes the stench of corruption follows behind him! Will he be arrested and charged for his crimes...somehow I doubt it and it makes me sick to think that he will get away with it all and run laughing all the way to the bank...shit , his ugly bitch of a sidekick is even a completely fucking useless judge...just shows that there really is NO justice left in the country when trash like them can pull the woolsack over everyones eyes so easily!
I presume by now all the judges have been dinner guests or met socially and none can now try him as they know him personally, perhaps it would just be best if he was found under a tree with a blunt penknife and a couple of asprin...c'mon MI5/6/CIA you know how it goes dontcha!
In other news this fucktard...
...is not only fucking Libya over with the glee of a sadistic eight year old pulling the legs off flies to watch them buzz in circles on the ground but is also intent on arming the police with whatever they need in the way of new powers so they can quell any signs of rebellion here at home (see I don't do political party favouritism). In a week that sees his mates the Banker Wankers walking off with million pound bonuses this piece of political excrement wants to shaft the people some more, and to hear he wants the sentencing in the courts to be televised so all good citizens can watch and go "TSK TSK" makes me want to puke!. Far better that all court cases are televised for the protection of the public from abuses of the powers he is so eager to invest in the ones he thinks will save his bacon smelling ass whilst he troughs down with his Banker Wanker chums in luxury!
Other news yet centres on some woman beating twat thats won a million on some tv show or other...do we care, no really I mean it ...do we care, the way I see it it is just an excuse to use up space in the Media so that more important (real) news can be either buried or forgotten...
police powers,
Monday, 5 September 2011
RANT TIME (revisited)
Everywhere and everything is in fucking chaos, there are pitiful mewling voices from governments the world over saying..."Why don't our people love us anymore" or "They are thugs and criminals and must be prosecuted to within an inch of their lives"
I personally am totally sick and tired of the 'governments' and their posturing, their blaming of the people for all the ills of society...HAVE YOU FUCKING FORGOTTEN it was you that banned us from disciplining our children, it was you that criminalised vast swathes of the otherwise law abiding public with your speed cameras and overbearing policing tactics,it was you that bailed out (correction 'gave away our money') the greedy bastard Banker Wankers...
and now the shit is hitting the fan...what are you going to do! give the police more powers is your answer Mr Camiknickers, what a stupid fucker you are you chinless twat!...sort out the inequalities in the system first, slap the bankers into oblivion and FUCK the Rothschilds private bank off the face of the earth, yes chinless one we know all about them being behind both sides of every war for the last couple of hundred years and coining it like Midas on a supermarket dash!
Merkle is getting her comeuppance over there in deutschland as she so justly deserves, the EU is a conglomerate of debt ridden junkies squealing for a last fix before they go under, the USA has been downrated to AA+ status and the sleeping giant of China and the Asian alliance is waking from its pretended sleep and raising its sights to the carrion carcass that it has been aching to strip clean for so long lichen has grown over their incisors!
Why are we at war every fucking where Davey boy does it make you feel like a 'real man' having the deaths of thousands on your conscience, or does it make your flacid little penis useful to your wife again you evil toad! (perhaps that was a little too vitriolic...nah!) You and your fellow troughers have ruined this world, the world we could have had and all been happy and well provided for in YOU and your ilk have denied to us! Bastards! FUCKING MINDLESS MURDERING GOON BASTARDS!
I hope your employers (the real ones, not us) pay you handsomely for your perfidy,I hope that for your sake they take you with them when they retire to their bunkers as the streets become awash with the blood of the people you have betrayed at every turn, for if they leave you behind Davey I do not believe that you will last for very long for all your contacts and public schooling, maybe the 'feral youth' that erupted into the so called riots gave you pause for thought and a change of underwear, yes Davey they WERE that close to you and your gaff werent they and they will not have forgotten the lessons they learnt in police containment...lol yes thats right the boot was on the other foot this time round wasn't it!, the kettlers kettled, completely out manouevered and out classed by a bunch of kids...that had to be the funniest thing this year!!!
(and I mean no disrespect to the decent people who were caught up in the fracas and lost their homes/possesions/ and in a few cases their lives, I even like you abhor such violence, but you place the blame in the wrong place...it is yours and yours alone ((well all 640 odd of you)) and your repressive policy enforcers!)
Why have I risen from my slumbers to rant at you febrile mentalists again? I am noticing the price of food...its going up isn't it Davey, it is getting so that ordinary people cannot afford to buy meat and veg to feed themselves with, the price of fuel has driven many vehicles off the roads even given the supermarkets interventions on prices (calculated I would opine to drive small independent garages out of business), there is little time left for the ordinary folk to prepare for the 'hard times' ahead and precious little spare cash to stock up with either, when the supermarket shelves go empty after a couple of days, will you and Sam be inviting the neighbours round to share your pantry stocks..and what will the poor people do then Davey...I rather think that they will...errrm whats the word...it escapes me for the moment ...ahhh yes they my fuckwitted wonder will RIOT! only when that time comes it will be for real!
PS sort out the Libyan mess you have embroiled us in and get us the FUCK out of the Fucking EU NOW!!, and hey Davey boy, when are you going to invade Bahrain don't tell me you don't know about their government massacree of the peaceful pro democracy protesters...FUCKING HYPOCRITE!!!
I personally am totally sick and tired of the 'governments' and their posturing, their blaming of the people for all the ills of society...HAVE YOU FUCKING FORGOTTEN it was you that banned us from disciplining our children, it was you that criminalised vast swathes of the otherwise law abiding public with your speed cameras and overbearing policing tactics,it was you that bailed out (correction 'gave away our money') the greedy bastard Banker Wankers...
and now the shit is hitting the fan...what are you going to do! give the police more powers is your answer Mr Camiknickers, what a stupid fucker you are you chinless twat!...sort out the inequalities in the system first, slap the bankers into oblivion and FUCK the Rothschilds private bank off the face of the earth, yes chinless one we know all about them being behind both sides of every war for the last couple of hundred years and coining it like Midas on a supermarket dash!
Merkle is getting her comeuppance over there in deutschland as she so justly deserves, the EU is a conglomerate of debt ridden junkies squealing for a last fix before they go under, the USA has been downrated to AA+ status and the sleeping giant of China and the Asian alliance is waking from its pretended sleep and raising its sights to the carrion carcass that it has been aching to strip clean for so long lichen has grown over their incisors!
Why are we at war every fucking where Davey boy does it make you feel like a 'real man' having the deaths of thousands on your conscience, or does it make your flacid little penis useful to your wife again you evil toad! (perhaps that was a little too vitriolic...nah!) You and your fellow troughers have ruined this world, the world we could have had and all been happy and well provided for in YOU and your ilk have denied to us! Bastards! FUCKING MINDLESS MURDERING GOON BASTARDS!
I hope your employers (the real ones, not us) pay you handsomely for your perfidy,I hope that for your sake they take you with them when they retire to their bunkers as the streets become awash with the blood of the people you have betrayed at every turn, for if they leave you behind Davey I do not believe that you will last for very long for all your contacts and public schooling, maybe the 'feral youth' that erupted into the so called riots gave you pause for thought and a change of underwear, yes Davey they WERE that close to you and your gaff werent they and they will not have forgotten the lessons they learnt in police containment...lol yes thats right the boot was on the other foot this time round wasn't it!, the kettlers kettled, completely out manouevered and out classed by a bunch of kids...that had to be the funniest thing this year!!!
(and I mean no disrespect to the decent people who were caught up in the fracas and lost their homes/possesions/ and in a few cases their lives, I even like you abhor such violence, but you place the blame in the wrong place...it is yours and yours alone ((well all 640 odd of you)) and your repressive policy enforcers!)
Why have I risen from my slumbers to rant at you febrile mentalists again? I am noticing the price of food...its going up isn't it Davey, it is getting so that ordinary people cannot afford to buy meat and veg to feed themselves with, the price of fuel has driven many vehicles off the roads even given the supermarkets interventions on prices (calculated I would opine to drive small independent garages out of business), there is little time left for the ordinary folk to prepare for the 'hard times' ahead and precious little spare cash to stock up with either, when the supermarket shelves go empty after a couple of days, will you and Sam be inviting the neighbours round to share your pantry stocks..and what will the poor people do then Davey...I rather think that they will...errrm whats the word...it escapes me for the moment ...ahhh yes they my fuckwitted wonder will RIOT! only when that time comes it will be for real!
PS sort out the Libyan mess you have embroiled us in and get us the FUCK out of the Fucking EU NOW!!, and hey Davey boy, when are you going to invade Bahrain don't tell me you don't know about their government massacree of the peaceful pro democracy protesters...FUCKING HYPOCRITE!!!
banker wankers,
feral youth,
merkle ousted,
Monday, 14 March 2011
A part of a conversation
Reproduced here are a pair of comments that come from a different site, I include them here as I find them pertinent to the general argument of the times, the writer of the first comment shows an admirable grasp of the realities most ordinary people face and feel about today's situation, and the deep concern and puzzlement I believe shines through, people today are deeply worried that the world and certainties they once knew and respected have been stripped away to leave little that is worth having....
The second part is my answer to this man, and indirectly to the general reading public, I hope that both comments may help inform the public debate to some extent....
What can I say, but if the things I've heard so far in this entire discussion are true then I'd be very pleased. The injustice of many different things in this country rankles deeply and I'm very tired of government intrusion in our lives, nanny-state nonsense and everything that goes with it. If nothing else I'd love to stop paying council tax. It's more than I can afford, frankly and I'd rather not see the inside of a prison cell for the "crime" of not yet obtaining full-time work.
My background is one of respecting the rule of law from an early age. I was brought up to respect the police, respect the state and obey the law regardless of whether or not I agreed with it. Which, in many cases, I don't. For one, obviously, I think people should be able to own firearms and other weapons freely. I don't think we should be allowed to randomly murder each other, but killing in self-defence is not the same and I think the law should allow for that. I also think the law is far too soft on serious crime and far too harsh on non-serious crime, with financial penalties over-used, prisons too soft and no other options apart from community service which is difficult to enforce.
Believe me, I would love to find that all these laws and statutes don't actually apply and I can't be fined huge sums for minor "offences." I'd also love to find that the local council has no real, lawful authority, because I don't think they're any use to anyone and should simply be abolished. Unfortunately it all sounds too good to be true - but we'll see, won't we?
My Friend , we are all in a similar state to the one that you so eloquently describe in your opening paragraph, we have been brought up to respect and uphold the 'LAW' and most of us I think would agree that we need the police and 'laws' to control excesses of behaviour etc. What has happened though is that the law has increasingly diverted itself from the mental picture (and respect we give it for that image) that we used to hold of it. It has become something much different to it's original respected purpose. Much of this difference has been levered into the police force by the actions of ACPO (association of chief police officers) which is an unelected, unaccountable PRIVATE body that is funded from public moneys ) these people have lobbied hard with their funny handshake friends in Westminster and their power and influence has grown and grown (reading almost anything written about them , and not by them, leaves you wondering how they have been allowed to do what they do for so long). Whatever the upshot of it all is that small minded cretins who pretend to be superior have made bad law which is either made with a poisoned base ingredient ( as in the lawful Rebellion arguments challenges) or so full of holes that Swiss cheese looks solid by comparison...the first was accidental, based on a basic failure to look in their mirrors for overtaking traffic and, basically an accident waiting to happen, the second I believe has been wholly deliberate for it gives the rich and those with fancy lawyers at their disposal huge amounts of wriggle room to evade their liabilities. This same wriggle room is available to all of us if we know where to look, but until the advent of the Internet we were denied the ability to research it all without huge difficulty and many hours of searching through reference books in various libraries. It wasn't possible to drop in on a neighbour and ask, and solicitors usually if asked would lead you down the path of most profit to themselves (for the least amount of work) We have had to find out for ourselves and now in today's courts there are many and various challenges being made on many grounds searching for the fatal loopholes in the law, and they ARE being found. Most of us instinctively know what is right and what is wrong, we are aware of the systems disregard for all but our basic welfare, in my mind it is time to stand up and speak your truth, individually perhaps it may make little difference but as our voices swell together speaking these truths, as more and more people join in shouting these truths, then eventually the game will be changed. Make a small start and search for the truths others are working out TPUC, Lawful Rebellion there are many out there, take a stand and stop paying your council tax (if you feel the case has been made to do so), do not fill in the census on the same grounds( of finding out why you shouldn't), etc etc when masses indulge in such civil disobedience the state will grind to a halt and have to re-think! My personal opinion if you want it! There is little time left to do any of the above, I feel that it is in some ways a side show to what is about to overcome the entire world, I believe in the very near future we will all be fighting a different battle and a more immediate one at that. I believe that the PTB, and I don't mean the government,s will shortly be attempting to annihilate the greater part of the population of this planet, it is there to see if you would but look, Article/Agenda (cant remember which ) 21 (I think) of the United Nations states clearly that it is desired to reduce the population by 90%...you do the math! We should be fighting tooth and nail to stop this eventuality from becoming reality and that means stopping the 'One World Government' (that they are no longer trying to hide) from succeeding to come into power. Our small part of that must be to remove ourselves from the EU as soon as possible and stand up proud and free once more! It is no longer acceptable to not look out and define the wider picture, not unless we would all not mind the trip on the cattle truck.... Your friend Indy ![]() | |||||
Friday, 11 March 2011
The Trouble with Government
Why do we bother voting for the fucktards that keep screwing up the country?
What is it about the sheeple that thinks that anything is ever going to change for the better?
Generations now have swapped one party for another to infest the seat of ultimate power over the people of this island, they call it democracy but it is far from one of those.
For them democracy is a simple majority of those that vote, errrm isn't the problem here that a majority of the people don't vote at all, and therefore the larger part of the people of this land are subjugated by often less than a quarter of the population!
This is a disgusting thing to understand, all the fuck ups of the last few parliaments have been planned ,initiated and executed by less than a third of the votes of the entire population. How do any party have the gall to intimate they have a mandate from the people, that is just absolute fucking TOSH!
A simple majority (let me explain this to the PTB) is 51% of the population, and “if you aint got that you aint got jack shit!”, anything less and there is no legitimacy at all and I for one see through your games and posturing and lies!
The answer is to say to you all GO FUCK YOURSELVES! For I do not want to play your silly fucking games that take the lives of innocents all over the globe. No more you twats!
I have for years watched as the 'elite' legislate against us the people, they fine and incarcerate us in our thousands every day, whilst at the same time they are committing the same crimes and far far worse and answering to no one! NO ONE! Not you, not me, not the police, not the courts, not even their fellows in parliament, who give their chums the bankers vast fortunes for screwing the entire economy into the ground.
Well I am totally hacked off with living off the crumbs from the high ones tables, I don't know about you but I think I have a good idea that most of the people feel the same way.
I stopped blogging a while back because I was convinced that my blog was being monitored by the PTB, yes I know its a sign of success, but I wasn't prepared enough to deal with it all.
I have since then become all too visible to them, and there is no advantage to remaining hidden any longer, so hold onto your 'hat' we are going for a little ride, we are off down the road to revolution (which means going back).
I do not know if I can be bothered to watch the government and it's puerile machinations on a daily basis, there's just too much to slam into them about!, maybe I will pick up on the larger issues such as the FUCKING CENSUS!!! (they can stuff their heads up their arses before I fill that in, and I urge you not to as well ((there I have broken the law saying that)) ),
and talking about breaking the law how about this one FUCK THE EU!!! I will harp on about the FUCKING unelected, unrepresentative, bribe giving, criminals over there for as long as I have breath, which may not be for very long seeing as the FUCKING CUNTS over there (and our complicit treasonous government) have quietly slipped the death penalty in for people who disagree with the EU!!!FUCKING ! Bastards!!!!
Tony FUCKING Bliar gets rid of the death penalty for treason , commits treason, and then we are immediately signed up to the EU where they have the death penalty for treason against a superstate....UNBEFUCKINGLEIVABLE!!!!
I want that bastard Bliar hung for his crimes against us here, and the poor fuckers he has had bombed to death, nothing less than the extirpation of his entire bloodline will suffice!
Death penalty,
The Hat Is Back
Its been a while people but its time for a rant or two at the expense of the idiots that supposedly rule us!
I am heartily sickened by the crass ineptitude of the Fuckwits that be, 'rulers' I am sorry but what I want from a ruler is the sense to actually rule , making our lives better and not continually worse!
If this is the best they can manage then I have decided I do not want to be 'ruled anymore by anyone so the message today folks is HEY you PTB...FUCK OFF!
This is just a quick test posting to blow the cobwebs out the system.
I dont know if any of my old friends and readers are still out there but what the fuck, I started once I can do it again.
Much has happened since I last wrote and vented my spleen on the goings on in the world and this country in particular, revolution all over the place (why the FUCK have we not risen yet?), HUGE lies and deceit from all our governments, and massive earth changes going on...
I FUCKING HOPE SO because I am so sick of what is here and now and controlling our every breath, it is time the planet shrugged them off and started again...GOOD LUCK EARTH!!! have a nice future and if you ever see another Macdonalds crush it quick!
I am heartily sickened by the crass ineptitude of the Fuckwits that be, 'rulers' I am sorry but what I want from a ruler is the sense to actually rule , making our lives better and not continually worse!
If this is the best they can manage then I have decided I do not want to be 'ruled anymore by anyone so the message today folks is HEY you PTB...FUCK OFF!
This is just a quick test posting to blow the cobwebs out the system.
I dont know if any of my old friends and readers are still out there but what the fuck, I started once I can do it again.
Much has happened since I last wrote and vented my spleen on the goings on in the world and this country in particular, revolution all over the place (why the FUCK have we not risen yet?), HUGE lies and deceit from all our governments, and massive earth changes going on...
I FUCKING HOPE SO because I am so sick of what is here and now and controlling our every breath, it is time the planet shrugged them off and started again...GOOD LUCK EARTH!!! have a nice future and if you ever see another Macdonalds crush it quick!
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